Hunting rabbits was what first got me into hunting. I join Jonathan O'Dell of the Arizona Dept. of Game & Fish on a deep dive into the biology, lore, trivia, habits, hunting and yes, cooking any and all rabbit and hare species, of where there are many in North America.

Hunt, Gather, Talk with Hank Shaw
Wild foods expert and cookbook author Hank Shaw's audio adventures in foraging, fishing, hunting and cooking. Season Two focuses on upland game: Pheasants, turkeys, quail, rabbits and so on. Each episode is a deep dive into that animal's biology, lore, habitat, hunting tips and of course, how to best cook them!
Wild foods expert and cookbook author Hank Shaw's audio adventures in foraging, fishing, hunting and cooking. Season Two focuses on upland game: Pheasants, turkeys, quail, rabbits and so on. Each episode is a deep dive into that animal's biology, lore, habitat, hunting tips and of course, how to best cook them!Listen on
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