If Gene Wilder were a marine biologist, he'd be Milton Love. This episode is a fantastic conversation with one of the world's preeminent fish biologists, who also happens to be a really funny guy. We explore All Things Rockfish in this episode, and even if you're nowhere near the Pacific, you'll want to give this a listen.

Hunt, Gather, Talk with Hank Shaw
Wild foods expert and cookbook author Hank Shaw's audio adventures in foraging, fishing, hunting and cooking. Season Two focuses on upland game: Pheasants, turkeys, quail, rabbits and so on. Each episode is a deep dive into that animal's biology, lore, habitat, hunting tips and of course, how to best cook them!
Wild foods expert and cookbook author Hank Shaw's audio adventures in foraging, fishing, hunting and cooking. Season Two focuses on upland game: Pheasants, turkeys, quail, rabbits and so on. Each episode is a deep dive into that animal's biology, lore, habitat, hunting tips and of course, how to best cook them!Listen on
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