To The Bone
Hunt, Gather, Talk with Hank Shaw
Trash Fish: Loving the Unloved

Trash Fish: Loving the Unloved

One person's trash is another's treasure. So it is with so-called trash fish or rough fish. I talk about these animals with Scott Leysath, host of the TV show "Dead Meat," which focuses on offbeat fish and game, as well as Tom Dickson of the Montana Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks; Dickson co-wrote a book on rough fish called "Fishing for Buffalo." 

We go into why some fish are hated on, as well as why this is, mostly, unjust. We also go into how to catch and eat many of North America's least liked fish. 

To The Bone
Hunt, Gather, Talk with Hank Shaw
Wild foods expert and cookbook author Hank Shaw's audio adventures in foraging, fishing, hunting and cooking. Season Two focuses on upland game: Pheasants, turkeys, quail, rabbits and so on. Each episode is a deep dive into that animal's biology, lore, habitat, hunting tips and of course, how to best cook them!
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Hank Shaw